Deck of RA Oracle Lore of Sekhmet Runes of RA Sigils
Perspective and Illumination from the Lore of Sekhmet
22 oracle cards to open your consciousness and rock your world
imbued with unique perspective, practices and lore
challenging the zeitgeist narrative it will invoke enquiry, have you claiming independent thought embodying experience wisdom and radiating your distinctive juju
authoring your experience of and mastery in this reality
all killer no filler
featuring the Runes of RA
creating Sigils of power + desire
Click HERE for Rune stickers
Click HERE for a short video discussing the cards and runes as frequency reading over fortune telling
ClDeck of RA oracle tarot Lore of Sekhmet Runes Sigils
from the Illustrator...
Michelle @ Aleph.Studio
This mammoth project is the culmination of many months of design work, prototyping and refining
The “Deck of RA” contains all of the most significant and powerful teachings of Metaphysician and Spiritual Mentor @vickiveranese and the I-of-RA School of Consciousness Embodiment.
Definitely no noob, Vicki has been a wisdom-sharer and guide in this space for far longer than anyone I’ve met. She’s seen it all. And this is an Oracle Deck like NO other.
Described by Vicki as “all killer, no filler”, this Deck could quite possibly be the last deck you’ll ever need.
Big call I know!
But in all honesty, if you could choose only one Deck to use for evermore, one that gave real, grounded, practical and honest reflection-prompts, accompanied by powerful rituals and practices to move through these times - it would be the Deck of RA.
I mean, the deck artwork is pretty sweet too
Vicki patiently guided me through much of I-of-RA’s foundational work and ethos, so that I was able to work on this project with the integrity she holds, and communicate the concepts presented.
What I did not expect through this process was some of the most potent wisdom and energetic teachings I’ve encountered.
All killer, no filler indeed.
To be honest, all my other decks seem like a complete waste of time in comparison.